The following functions are available for use in TunerStudio and MegaLog Viewer:
Function | Definition | Usage |
Smoothing* | Smooths a field by averaging over the smoothingFactor number of records. | smoothBasic( field, smoothingFactor) |
sine | Standard Sine of a value. | sin(val) |
cosine | Standard Cosine of a value. | cos(val) |
arcsine | Standard arcsine of a value. | asin(val) |
arccosine | Standard arccosine of a value. | acos(val) |
tangent | Standard Tangent of a value. | tan(val) |
arc tangent | Standard Arc Tangent of a value. | atan(val) |
square root | Standard Square Root, same as pow(val, 0.5) of a value. | sqrt(val) |
absolute | Changes any negative values to the same magnitude in the positive direction. | abs(val) |
log | Natural log of a value. | log(val) |
log base 10 | Base 10 log of a value of a value. | log10(val) |
recipricol | The recipricol of a value, or 1/val | recip(val) |
exponent | Exponent of a value. | pow(val, exponent) |
round | Rounds the value of a value to the nearest integer value. | round(val) |
floor | Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) integer value that is greater than or equal to the argument. | floor(val) |
ceiling | Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) integer value that is greater than or equal to the argument. | ceil(val) |
exponent | Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value. | exp(val) |
isNaN | Checks the output of an expression to result in a invalid number | isNaN(val) |
smoothFiltered | Smooth a field using a matrix filter for less lag | smoothFiltered(val) |
accelHp | Calculates HP based on Acceleration rate. | accelHp( velocity (MPH), deltaVelocity(MPH), deltaTime(s), weight(lb) ) |
Aero Drag | Calculates the Aerodynamic Drag | aerodynamicDragHp( velocity (m/s), airDensity (kg/m^-3), dragCoefficent, frontalArea (m^2) ) |
Rolling Drag | Calculates estimated rolling resistence | rollingDragHp( speed (MPH), tirePressure (psi), weight (lbs) ) |
Last Value | Returns the last record value for the specified field or expression | lastValue(anyField) |
Historical Value | Returns the value for the specified field or expression from n records back | historicalValue(anyField, n) |
Min | Returns the minimum value resulting from 1-n expressions or variables | min(exp, exp, ...) |
Max | Returns the maximum value resulting from 1-n expressions or variables | max(exp, exp, ...) |
Max Value | Returns the maximum historical value for the specified field or expression. If a TimeToReset expression is provided, the max value will be reset after this value in milliseconds has passed from the previous max. |
maxValue(anyField, TimeToReset[Optional]) |
Min Value | Returns the minimum historical value for the specified field or expression. If a TimeToReset expression is provided, the min value will be reset after this value in milliseconds has passed from the previous min. |
minValue(anyField, TimeToReset[Optional]) |
table | Perform a table lookup using an inc file | table(expression, '') |
tableLookup |
Perform a table lookup on 1D or 2D arrays based on specified OutputChannel(s) and 1D array lookup references. It will provide the interpolated value for the relative position of the lookup. |
tableLookup([array.valueArrayName], [array.lookupArrayName], [lookupChannelName])
tableLookup([array.zParamName], [array.xParamName], [array.yParamName], [xChannelName], [yChannelName]) |
Accumulate | Accumulate and sum the expression This allows totalling distance, milage, fuel consumption, etc. |
accumulate(expression) |
Persistent Accumulate | Same as accumulate, except the accumulated value is persisted to the next session. Allows for an Odometer. | persistentAccumulate(expression) |
arrayValue | Gets the interpolated value from a Constant array. The right of the decimal for index expression will be used for interpolation | arrayValue(Constant, indexExpresssion) |
if | Excel style if function. | if(condition, then, else) |
selectExpression | Selects which expression to use based on the index. 1st parameter is the index expression, each following expression is the target to be evaluated if that is the index. The expression can be an expression or hard number. indexExpression is required, 1 to n target expressions | selectExpression( indexExpression, express0, express1, ....) |
sum | Excel style sum function. | sum(exp0, exp1, expN...) |
timeToExceed | Resets timer when expression is <= 0 Once expression resolves to > 0, the timer begins and will count time in seconds until expression >= targetVal expression. Time expression is optional, if not provided the local clock is used. Thus in MLV it is required if you wish to use the Log time. |
timeToExceed(targetVal, expression, TimeExpression[optional])
Example for 0-60 in MLV: |
timeTrue | Evaluates the TrueFalseExpression and begins tracking the time it has been true (non-zero) in seconds. Once it is false, the time resets. |
Example for 3 seconds after RPM > 600 |
isTrueFor | Evaluates the TrueFalseExpression, will return false (0) until this expression evaluates as non-zero consistently for the period provided in seconds. |
isTrueFor([TrueFalseExpression], [SecondsTrueExpression]) Example: Will return 0 until rpm over 600 for 5 seconds |
toggle* |
Evaluates the expression, each time it becomes true, the return value will toggle from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 in an alternate fashion. InitialState is optional, |
toggle([TrueFalseExpression], InitialState[optional]) |
TunerStudio Only Functions
timeNow | Returns the Log Time in seconds. This is the time since the application or a data log was started. Which ever event occurred most recently. | timeNow() |
systemTime | Provides the time since the epoch in seconds. | systemTime() |
getWorkingLocalCanId | Returns the CAN ID set in the project for the Main Controller | getWorkingLocalCanId() |
getChannelValueByOffset | Returns the current value for the OutputChannel defined with the given offset address. | getChannelValueByOffset(iniDefinedOffset) |
getChannelScaleByOffset | Returns the scale for the OutputChannel defined with the given offset address. | getChannelScaleByOffset(iniDefinedOffset) |
getChannelTranslateByOffset | Returns the Translate for the OutputChannel defined with the given offset address. | getChannelTranslateByOffset(iniDefinedOffset) |
getChannelDigitsByOffset | Returns the Digits for the OutputChannel defined with the given offset address. | getChannelDigitsByOffset(iniDefinedOffset) |
getChannelMinByOffset | Returns the Min for the OutputChannel defined with the given offset address. | getChannelMinByOffset(iniDefinedOffset) |
getChannelMaxByOffset | Returns the Max for the OutputChannel defined with the given offset address. | getChannelMaxByOffset(iniDefinedOffset) |
getLogTime | Returns the time since a log was started. Similar to timeNow | getLogTime() |
isOnline | Indicates if the app is currently connected to an ECU. Returns 1 for true, 0 for offline. | isOnline() |
updateValueWhen | Will continue to return the same value unless the provided reEvalExpression is true (non-Zero). At the point the expression will be evaluated for the new value. | updateValueWhen(reEvalExpression, expression) |
*TunerStudio required.